How To Outline Text In Gimp

Select the Text Tool (T) and add some text with the size and colour you want. Right click on the Text Layer and select Layer to Image Size. This will resize the layer to the size of the image Then duplicate the layer.

  1. How To Get Rid Of Text Box Outline In Gimp
  2. How To Put Outline On Text In Gimp
  3. How To Make An Outline In Word
UseHow To Outline Text In Gimp

How To Get Rid Of Text Box Outline In Gimp

  1. In this tutorial GIMP 2.6 is used, the tutorial takes about 10 minutes to finnish. This is the result: Part 1: Outline. Create a new document, the size of it doesn't really matter. Mine is 800x600 pixels. Select the text tool from the Toolbox and choose a font of your choice and write anything you want.
  2. Set the layer mode to soft light. This will make the brighter areas of the text glow a bit more. Now create a new layer on top of everything and randomly paint blue and pink blotches over the text, then blur the layer so that the colors all mesh together fluidly. Now set the layer mode to HSL color.
06-26-2017, 06:44 PM
I need to place text over image, and then both stretch text vertically and add a black outline.
I have stretched it successfully using Layer > Scale layer. Could not outline from there.
Also I have successfully outlined the text by selecting text and then choosing Create Path from text. Add a transparent layer under text. Select from path...
Outline looks great, but Could not stretch it taller from there.
These operations are all new to me.
The final form of the resulting image needs to be a jps with dpi, 1400x1400 pixel minimum, and ideally 300 dpi. So, some other programs were ruled out.
Also unsuccessful Looking for a condensed font that could look attractive without being stretched.
Thank you so much for your help.

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I’ve gotten a lot of visits from people who want to get rid of the yellow dotted line around their image in GIMP. So I figured, if you’re asking I should deliver, right?

How To Put Outline On Text In Gimp

This same problem drove me absolutely crazy for a long time, but it’s so easy to fix I’m almost embarrassed how long it took me to figure it out.

Without further delay, here’s how you turn off the yellow dotted line in GIMP:

  • Open GIMP
  • Click on View in the Main Menu, and click Show Layer Boundary box to uncheck that option. That’s it!

I think a lot of the issue is just knowing that yellow dotted line in GIMP is called the “Layer Boundary”. Still, after being annoyed by that little dotted line for so long, I feel like getting rid of it is cause for celebration.

How To Make An Outline In Word

I hope this saves you some money in therapy sessions.